How has the amazon rainforest changed
by (41.0k points)

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The Amazon rainforest has changed where deforestation for land use and agriculture, forest fires, and species migration are just a few of the changes that have been noticed. Drought is a serious problem as a result of warmer temperatures since the humidity in these jungles is declining. Species that are accustomed to high moisture levels will suffer as a result of this change.

In the previous 50 years, the Amazon has lost 17% of its forest, primarily as a result of forest conversion for cattle grazing. 31% of the total area on our planet is covered by forests.
Although human habitation in the Amazon has a long history, in recent years the speed of change has quickened as a result of population growth, the adoption of mechanised agriculture, and the region's entry into the global market.

by (22.7k points) edited by

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