Would scotland be richer without england
by (26.7k points)

1 Answer

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No, Scotland wouldn't be richer without England.

There would be considerable immediate economic difficulties if Scotland became independence. Long-term economic prospects for the country are unknown and would depend on how difficult decisions about the currency, the government's finances, and EU membership turned out.

According to studies, Scotland's economy would benefit from maintaining the British pound.
 The uncertainty surrounding currency is viewed as a major factor in why more people chose to vote against independence in 2014 than for it.

To guarantee a better balance of public finances, Scotland would need to make significant decisions if it became independent. Considering the current state of affairs, it is expected to have a sizable budget deficit - the difference between public expenditure and tax collections - which may force its administration to make spending decisions like increasing taxes burden
by (22.7k points) edited by

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