Can you walk the whole great wall
by (26.7k points)

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Despite great obstacles, the response is YES, you can walk the whole great wall

The entire Great Wall is fairly extensive, and the portion now in existence dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644) and is 8,851.8 km (5,500.3 mi) in length. However, travelling a long way is not the only challenge one encounters. The trip is really challenging. One needs to be healthy and powerful to walk the full length of the Great Wall because of the landscape's high hills and changing height.

William Geil from the US, Dong Yaohui and Liu Yutian from China, as well as William Lindsay from the UK, have all walked the entirety of the Great Wall of China. However, the majority of visitors to the Great Wall only walked just a few or one part of it
by (22.7k points)

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