What was Salva doing when he heard the gunfire and ran into the bush?

2 Answers

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His day began in Florida ... By continuing to read a story about a goat to a kindergarten class.

Then he flew to hideouts on Air Force One

Timeline of the day of the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

8:00: President Bush reviews his daily intelligence reports. The materials are routine, and most of them relate to the Al-Aqsa intifada and other Israeli-Palestinian issues. The briefing lasted about twenty minutes, after which he bid farewell to the resort's staff and left in his motorcade. Since the president's scheduled event is a diversified park trip to promote his educational agenda, Chief of Staff Andrew Card told him, "It has to be an easy day."

8:55: President George W. Bush arrives at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, as part of a scheduled visit to promote education and reads The Pet Goat when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, who was with Bush. Tells him that a small twin-engine plane has collided with the World Trade Center. Before entering the classroom, the president spoke with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice in the White House. I first told him that a twin-engine plane - then a commercial plane - had struck the World Trade Center, adding, "That's all we know now, Mr. President."

9:03: President Bush enters the classroom as part of his school visit.

9:05: After brief introductions to Booker Elementary School students, President Bush is about to begin reading The Pet Goat with the students when Chief of Staff Andrew Cardanterrups speaks to the president, "A second plane has hit the second tower. America is under attack."

The president later stated that he decided to continue the lesson rather than worrying the students.

9:14: President Bush returns to the US Secret Service's detention room shortly before 9:15. The reservation room has a telephone, TV showing news coverage and many senior staff. The President talks to Vice President **** Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, New York Governor George Pataki, and FBI Director Robert Mueller and makes brief remarks.

9:29: President Bush makes his first public statements about the attacks, to an audience of nearly 200 elementary school teachers and students. He says he will return to Washington. Today begins a "national tragedy". "Two planes ... crashed ... at the World Trade Center ... in an apparent terrorist attack on our country," he leads a moment of silence. No one in the President's travel group has any information during this time about the hijacking or loss of other aircraft.

9:57: President Bush leaves Sarasota, Florida, on Air Force One. The aircraft reaches cruising altitude and circuits for about 40 minutes while discussing the plane's destination.

10:20: President Bush, on Air Force One, tells Vice President Cheney that he has authorized the downing of a plane if necessary.

10:39 AM: Another hijacked jumbo plane is allegedly bound for Washington, DC, an F-15 as it scrambles and patrols airspace over Washington, DC while other fighter jets sweep through the airspace over New York City. They have orders, issued first by Vice President Cheney and confirmed by President Bush later, to shoot down any potentially dangerous aircraft that do not comply with orders issued to them over the radio. In the end, it was revealed that the plane was a medical helicopter en route to the Pentagon.

1:04: President Bush puts the US military on high alert around the world (known as the Delta Conditional Protection Force). Recorded notes were broadcast from the President from Barksdale Air Force Base, stating that "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by an unidentified coward and freedom will be defended." He also said that "the United States will pursue and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts." He then left for the bunker of the US Strategic Command located at Ovot Air Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska.

2:50: President Bush arrives at Ovot Air Force Base, Bellevue, Nebraska, for a conference call of the National Security Council at the US Stratcom bunker.

4:36 am: President Bush leaves Ovot Air Force Base in Air Force One.

6:54: US President George W. Bush arrives at the White House in Washington, DC.

8:30: US President George W. Bouchad addresses the country from the White House in Washington, DC.

9:00: President Bush meets a full National Security Council, followed roughly half an hour later by a meeting with a smaller group of key advisors. Bush and his advisers have evidence that Osama bin Laden was behind the attacks. CIA Director George Tenetsee says that Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan are basically one thing. "I tell the Taliban we're done with them," Bush says.
by (576 points)
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I think ,maybe he should have hiding untill the gunfire calmed down and not move away from his family's house .. perhaps this would have reduced his suffering to spending years with homeless children away from his family .

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