I would like to know more information from people who recently moved to London
by (8 points)

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Sure, here are some experiences shared by people who recently moved to London:

1. **Excitement and Exhaustion**: Moving to London can be exciting, fascinating, daunting, and exhausting all at once¹. Making new friends, finding your way around, and maybe even finding a job are just the start¹.

2. **Learning New Things**: It's incredible how much one can learn in a short time after moving to London². For example, one person mentioned learning to eat with a fork in their left hand².

3. **Understanding Local Etiquette**: There are clear rules for when to say "cheers", and it's not just before having a drink with your mates². It's used in many situations, but not at the end of every interaction².

4. **Public Transportation**: Taking the tube is often preferred over driving, even when it's hot and crowded². There's a sense of freedom that comes with living in a well-connected city².

5. **Walking and Buses**: Walking through the city is wonderful and a great way to save money². However, if you're prone to motion sickness, bus rides might be unpleasant².

6. **Food and Culture**: Experiencing brunch and London culture might actually just mean paying quite a lot to eat something called "smashed avocado"³.

Remember, everyone's experience can be different based on their personal circumstances and perspectives. It's always a good idea to do your own research and prepare yourself before moving to a new city. I hope this information helps!

(1) 19 things only people who’ve moved to London will understand. https://www.thinkingbob.co.uk/19-things-only-people-whove-moved-to-london-will-understand/.
(2) My First Year Living in London: 10 Lessons Learned. https://theportablewife.com/living-abroad/moving-to-london/first-year-living-in-london/.
(3) A Guide to Living in London By Someone Who's Lived in London for ... - VICE. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xd7pxk/the-new-londoners-guide-to-london.
by (3.7k points)

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