Based on the business rules presented below (a. through d.), complete the following tasks:

  1. i)  Identify entities and their attributes. Also, assign an identifier(s) to each entity.

  2. ii)  Identify relationships and the degree and cardinality of each relationship. Also, if there are attributes pertaining to a relationship, include the attributes for each relationship. Also, read Note 1 below carefully.

  3. iii)  Thinkofatleastoneextraattributeforeachentityandaddittothelistofattributesthatyou identified for each entity in i) above. Explain briefly the meaning and potential business use of each extra attribute.

  4. iv)  Create an ER diagram based on your answer in i), ii) and iii) above using draw.io diagraming tools. Then, prepare and submit your answers according to the guidelines stated in Note 2 below.

    Note 1: [Extra explanations/assumptions on your own] While working on the tasks, you may find some parts of business rules, especially related to cardinalities of relationships, incomplete or unclear. In that case, feel free to come up with extra explanations or assumptions on your own and state them explicitly in your answer. Especially when a cardinality may go either way (i.e., optional or mandatory), you should explain why you choose one over the other. Lastly, you should note that your extra explanations and/or assumptions must be consistent with the business rules provided below and some common sense.

[Business Rules]

  1. An employee is identified by an employ number, and he/she has first name, last name, birth date, gender, and date of hire.

  2. An employee may take managerial positions at multiple departments during his/her employment, and each position is recorded with its start date and end date. Also, an employee may be assigned to multiple departments as a non-managerial employee during his/her employment, and each assignment is recorded with its start date and end date.

  3. A department is identified by a department number, and each department has a name. Each department has many managerial employees and many non-managerial employees throughout its operation.

  4. A division is identified by a division number, and each division has a name. Each division has many departments, and a department should belong to one specific division.


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