why jeffy lyrics

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Why jeffy lyrics:



Hey Daddy I smack these hoes

I stuck my pee-pee in some Cherrios

I got a pencil in my nose

And I beat my dipar everywhere I go

Like to hop hop like a bunny

Pooped my pants now its runny

I go Ungnt-Ungnt, think thats funny?

I stuff my dipar with all my money

Why? Why?

Why? Why?

Why? Why?

Why? Why?

Cat piano solo!


Got a helemet on top of my head

Spanked my pee pee till it was red

Eat green beans i'd rather be dead

Its ten o'clock and im ready for bed.

Hey daddy, I just showed you hoe to poop on the track, so umm Im going to bed.

Got my carrots on, got my bunny suit on, Im ready for bed
by (75.6k points)

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